Tuesday 1 May 2012

Wrestling Freestyle Weight Classes

Weight Classes now, international men's freestyle wrestling is separated into six main age category. (1)Schoolboys           (2) cadets                (3) novice           (4) juniors         (5) seniors
 Schoolboys (young men ages 14–15; or age 13 with a checkup certificate and parental authorization) wrestle in 10 weight classes ranging from 29–85 kg (64–190 lb).
Cadets (young men ages 16–17; or age 15 by a medical record and parental authorization) wrestle in 10 weight course ranging from 39 to 100 kg (86 to 220 lb).
Juniors (young men ages 18 to 20; or age 17 by a medical documentation and parental approval wrestle in eight weight classes range from 46–120 kg (100–260 lb).
Seniors (men ages 20 and up) wrestle in seven weight classes range from 50 to 120 kg (110 to 260 lb). For men, there is also a particular category for several freestyle competitions, "Veterans", for men ages 35 and older, most likely featuring the similar weight classes as seniors. Also, all of the men's age category and weight classes can be practical to Greco-Roman wrestler.
Freestyle Wrestling is built-in in London 2012 Olympics likewise preceding years. 2012 London Olympic will witness power, power and techniques of the athletes captivating part in Freestyle Wrestling. Both discipline of wrestling (Freestyle Wrestling and Greco-roman Wrestling) will take position at Excel from Sunday 5 August to Sunday 12 August 2012. 344 athletes will be taking part in the wrestle competition and there will be 18 medal events at stake. Olympic Wrestling Freestyle Tickets are available at Sport Ticket Exchange for nominal price. Wrestling fans can buy Wrestling Freestyle Tickets from Sport Ticket Exchange to watch the competitive sport.

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